This is the home page for the deviant known as FluffyPira.

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About Pira:

Hello, I'm Elizabeth.

I'm a cutie, an argumentarian, and all around terrible person who lives in the glorious People's Republic of Canada.

Currently I am unemployed from formal employment, which means I am doing more writing and personal art projects as well as tying up loose ends with my former employer.

That said, I am open to work so long as the company and the culture are right. I have an Honors Bachelor in Political Science where I specialized in Public Policy mainly in the areas of copyright and queer policy. I also have several years experience working for a University.

I'm currently managing editor at Inatri, a publication that discusses marginalization in tech, identity, and sex work.


My professional and scholarly interests include:

  1. Writing
  2. Politics
  3. Policy
  4. Programming
  5. Feminism
  6. Technology
  7. Diversity
  8. Intersectionality

Feel free to contact me to discuss these topics or if you want my individual opinion on any of those. Be warned that behaviour I find offensive or unsettling may result in an immediate block.